Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Sarkozy and 2012

At the moment, the French press is obsessed with the reshuffle of the government, more obsessed it seems than most French people.  According to them it represents a shift to the right in preparation for the election in 2012, and especially for Nicolas Sarkozy's re- election.
In my opinion, however, that the media has missed the point.  Sarkozy is an extremely wily and accomplished politician.  He has pushed through some unpopular, but necessary, reforms which most people and the media associate with him.  All anger and hatred is poured on his head to such an extent that the public has forgotten he represents the UMP.  The tidal wave of vitriol against this one man is astounding, his name is almost a swear word.  In addition we have forgotten he promised to only stand as President once.  The fact that he has allowed the fire to be directed at him drawing it away from his party, giving them the opportunity to be re-elected in 2012 seems to have escaped the media.
People scoff at this, saying that Sarkozy is obsessed with power.  Personally, I believe that he feels he has achieved that which he set out to do and is ready to move on to bigger things.  It is hard for many French people to understand that there could be anything more important than the President of France.  Sarkozy will stand down as President in 2012, and the job offers from international organisations or multinationals will pour in.  At the same time, like Blair and Bush, he'll write his memoirs and start off on the lecture circuit.  President of France?  Been there done that.
Sarkozy has achieved the impossible, he has changed France. Furthermore, he has managed to avoid tainting his party.  People blame the man and not the government; look at the popularity of the Prime minister François Fillon.  In this he is helped by the divisions on the left.  The election in 2012 will be between a united UMP, a divided and policy absent left and the spectre of the National Front; Sarkozy will have moved on.  It's time the media realised this and moved from personal attacks on Sarkozy and analysed the programmes and promises of the candidates for 2012. If they can do this I for one will switch my radio back on, and Sakozy won't be so smug and how he has duped the press.