Sunday, 11 September 2011

Forum des associations

As I mentionned in my last post, it's 'La rentrée' and one feature of this period is the 'Forum des associations'.  Each village or commune organises a sort of salon where the different associations or clubs present their activity to potential participants.  There are clubs for every activity; football, tennis, climbing, painting, music, yoga, in fact almost any activity you can think of is represented.  There is so much choice that some people have to set themselves a limit, one sport and one artisitic club for example, if not the cost and time would be crippling.  Many clubs take place on Wednesdays as there is no school.   A lot of mothers don't work on Wednesday and spend the day ferrying their offspring to and from different clubs.  Others take place in the evenings or on Saturday mornings.  Most French people join at least one association and their kids often two or three.
In France the 'vie associative' is taken very seriously, so seriously in fact that in 1901 a law was passed governing the organisation of these clubs, you may well hear people talking about 'la loi mille neuf cent un'.  This law sets strict rules about the committee who runs the club and any paid employees.  In addition the role of the 'bénévole' (volunteer) in the association is very important, again most French people do some form of volunteering with associations.  They act as treasurer, secretary or just offer their time to help the association.  Associations are a part of life like school and work and help fill the time between the famous holidays.


Anonymous said...


I think that these associations (particularly in rural France) are a very important part of the social fabric.

I'm not sure if it was the same back in London - I certainly don't remember volunteering for anything and don't think I knew anyone who did?

All the best


P.S. Keep up the good work - I'm sure that there are lots of people interested in hearing about your experiences and views.

Crystal said...

Hi Patrick,

I found your blog through Keith. I'm a Canadian who just recently moved to a small town outside of Grenoble (after spending 6 years in other parts of France with my French husband). I used to be a business English teacher too, but I absolutely hated it and am hell bent on never doing it again if I can help it. Right now, I'm au chomage, and looking into other job possibilities in and around Grenoble!

Looking forward to reading some of your archives for your thoughts on Grenoble (things to do, places to visit etc) and also what you think about your job :) (sometimes I feel like Im the only expat who hates teaching....)

Take care!

Patrick Owen said...

Thanks Keith nice to know someone is reading. I agree much more volunteering in France, stronger sense of community?
Hi Crystal. I'm not mad keen on teaching either but it's so difficult to do anything else here. Good luck